Case / Nonempirical Manuscript Evaluation Form Title: Your Name: Your Email: Manuscript #: Issue/case is relevant to accounting education: N/A - Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeModerately DisagreeAgreeModerately AgreeStrongly Agree Theoretical development provides a foundation for the issue/case: N/A - Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeModerately DisagreeAgreeModerately AgreeStrongly Agree Approach/solution adequately documented: N/A - Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeModerately DisagreeAgreeModerately AgreeStrongly Agree Teaching notes provide support for implementation of issue/case: N/A - Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeModerately DisagreeAgreeModerately AgreeStrongly Agree Conclusions are appropriate given the material presented: N/A - Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeModerately DisagreeAgreeModerately AgreeStrongly Agree Paper would be of interest to readership: N/A - Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeModerately DisagreeAgreeModerately AgreeStrongly Agree Manuscript is well written: N/A - Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeModerately DisagreeAgreeModerately AgreeStrongly Agree I would consider using this in my class: N/A - Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeModerately DisagreeAgreeModerately AgreeStrongly Agree Recommendation: Accept without revisionAccept subject to revisions, as noted in commentsReject in current form, but may be resubmittedReject, with no resubmission If you comments for the editors, please enter them below. These comments will not be seen by the author. Authors will not receive a copy of this form. Please provide written comments to the authors in Word or PDF by attaching the file using the button below. Include the manuscript title and number on the review comments. Do not indicate your recommendation in the author's review comments. When you click submit below, your submission will be submitted to the journal editor and you will receive a copy of the email.